MASECA® is one of the many brands of GRUMA (Grupo MASECA®), a Mexican company founded more than 70 years ago with the dream to revolutionize corn and the way of taking an ancient food staple from Mexico, the tortilla, to the table of all homes around the World.

The dream is now a reality. Today, corn tortillas made with MASECA® reach millions of homes around the World nourishing families as a traditional food with the highest quality standards.

The manufacturing process of our corn masa flours complies with all the food safety measures, which allows us to provide our customers and consumers corn masa flours and products of the highest quality following international quality standards.

GRUMA’s Headquarters are located in the city of Monterrey, state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. GRUMA has 17 corn masa flour manufacturing plants in Mexico and 6 in the United States: 2 in Texas, 2 in California, 1 in Indiana and 1 in Kentucky. GRUMA also has 3 corn masa flour manufacturing plants in Central America and 3 in Europe located in Italy, Ukraine, and Turkey.

GRUMA is a Multi-brand and International Food Company, proudly Mexican, with presence in 112 countries around the World.


In 1949, in the city of Cerralvo, state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, the first corn masa flour manufacturing plant using nixtamalized corn was founded.

Our founder is Don Roberto Gonzalez Barrera. His creation facilitated the elaboration process of corn masa because the process was simplified to only mixing flour and water to obtain the masa.

The innovative process gave the name of MASECA®, meaning dehydrated masa in Spanish (masa seca).

50' s and 60's

During these two decades, 8 new corn masa flour manufacturing plants opened in Mexico.

MASECA® began positioning not only as a synonym of quality, but also as a staple food of Mexican homes.

70's and 80's

MASECA®'s internationalization plan begins, starting operations in Costa Rica in 1973. GRUMA continues its expansion in the international market in the 1980s with the acquisition of 10 tortilla plants in the United States, representing Mexican culture to the Hispanic consumer.

The first corn flour mill is built in Edinburg, Texas, founding Azteca Milling.

MASECA® begins fortifying its flours with key micronutrients for nutrition in Mexico.


GRUMA broadens operations in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.


GRUMA begins operations in Europe, acquiring a corn mill plant in Ceggia, near Venice, Italy.


In 2010, UNESCO, in Nairobi, declares the Mexican Cuisine as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, being the first cuisine in the world to receive such recognition and showing that corn is the most important and most basic ingredient in the nourishment of Mexico.

GRUMA continues its expansion in Europe, acquiring a corn mill plant in Cherkasy, Ukraine, which allowed increasing coverage in the Eastern region of Europe and some countries in the North of Africa.


Tortilla continues being a fundamental part of the Hispanic’s diet around the World, having a strong cultural and emotional root. Without losing such important bound with consumers, MASECA® has evolved to position tortillas in the modern World, reevaluating such staple food as a healthy and nutritious food.

MASECA® enriches Hispanic food

MASECA® is one of the many brands of GRUMA (Grupo MASECA®), a Mexican food company and global leader of corn masa flour and tortillas. GRUMA also covers flatbread categories and other food products such as rice, snacks, pastas, condiments, and palmito.