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Service hours:
Monday thru Friday: 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
(Central time)
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Consumer Support Toll Free Number
1-888-4MASECA | 1-888-4627322
Service hours:
Monday thru Friday: 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
(Central time)
If you have any questions or comments about our products, we are here to help. Please fill out this form, and a member of the Consumer Service Department will contact you.
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By providing your contact information through this form, you acknowledge that Azteca Milling is collecting your personal identifying information to respond to your comment or question and consent to that collection. Azteca Milling does not share or sell this information. For a full explanation of Azteca Milling’s privacy policy, including your rights as a consumer, please visit our Privacy Notice. For consumers with disabilities, please call 1-888-462-7322 for information pertaining to this notice.
Consumer Support Toll Free Number
1-888-4MASECA | 1-888-4627322
Service hours:
Monday thru Friday: 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
(Central time)
Adding tortillas to daily diet helps with digestion since tortillas are a source of insoluble fiber.
Blue corn is a corn variety cultivated in the Northern Region and Central Region of Mexico, as well as in the Southwest Region and Southeast Region of the United States.
Corn tortillas are a source of energy since carbohydrates are used as fuel for the body.
Corn tortilla is considered as one of the biggest inventions of the Mesoamerican cultures.
Corn tortillas are source of fiber, calcium, folic acid, and energy. Consuming tortillas is part of a complete, varied, and balanced diet.
MASECA® corn masa flour is made with selected corn grains.
All MASECA® corn masa flours are Whole Grain certified (Whole Grain Council), since they are made with selected whole corn grains.
Corn tortilla is a versatile food as it can be used as garnish, it can be the main dish, or it can be an ingredient.
UNESCO declared the Mexican Cuisine as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, being the first cuisine in the world to receive such recognition.
El maíz azul es una variedad del maíz que se cultiva en la región del Norte y del Centro de México, así como en la región Suroeste y Sureste de Estados Unidos.
Incluir el consumo de tortillas de maíz en la dieta diaria ayuda con la digestión, ya que es fuente de fibra insoluble.
La tortilla de maíz da energía, pues los carbohidratos sirven de combustible para el organismo.
La tortilla de maíz es considerada como una de las creaciones más grandes de las culturas mesoamericanas.
Las tortillas de maíz contienen fibra, calcio, ácido fólico y es fuente de energía. Su consumo es parte de una dieta completa, equilibrada y variada.
Las harinas MASECA® cuentan con la certificación de Granos Enteros (Whole Grain Council), ya que están elaborados con granos de maíz enteros seleccionados.
Las harinas MASECA® cuentan con la certificación de Granos Enteros (Whole Grain Council), ya que están elaborados con granos de maíz enteros seleccionados.
La tortilla de maíz es un alimento versátil, ya que puede ser guarnición, platillo principal o ingrediente.
La Cocina Mexicana fue declarada por la UNESCO como Patrimonio Intangible de la Humanidad, siendo la primera cocina del mundo en tener este reconocimiento.
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